Let’s see what we can do to help save one of the best looking Boeing 747-400 #Jumbo around.
G-BNLY in her iconic Landor Livery‘s fate on this earth is on the line and she is getting dangerously close to being sent to the big graveyard in the sky.
Time is running out so please help by Joining the #SaveLandor group TODAY! by following the link below.
Let’s work together to help change the mind of #BA to keep her around for us & future generations to enjoy for years to come. They saved the Concorde so why not the Jumbo, the aircraft that helped structure and grow the airline into what it is today. #QueenOfTheSkies
Let’s do what we can to finally make something positive come out of 2020.
UPDATE 26/11/2020:
British Airways has confirmed G-BNLY was scheduled to fly from her current home at Cardiff Airport to Saint Athan on Friday 4th December, this has now been put on hold.
BA has apparently seen the #SaveLandor campaign and is now looking at a better future for G-BNLY.
After a couple of declines from Coventry Airport and Bournemouth Airport, who said they would love to give Landor a permanent home, but they don't have the room, one location has apparently been found by the campaign. They are keeping this location under wraps for the time being to hopefully reduce the risk of a deal falling through.
They stress that this by far from a done deal and anything can happen but things are definitely looking up.
So she’s not out of the woods yet so keep up your support on the group and fingers crossed we‘ll get there soon.
(update & info sourced from the G-BNLY Preservation Group Facebook Page)
UPDATE 27/11/2020:
No updates from BA but apparently Landor, the company who designed the iconic livery has seen the #SaveLandor and backed the campaign to save the aircraft.
(update & info sourced from the G-BNLY Preservation Group Facebook Page)
UPDATE 28/11/2020:
Good news everyone!
All this work by the #SaveLandor campaign seems to have paid off as the group announced today that G-BNLY has been found a new home at Dunsfold Aerodrome.
Apparently, discussions are still on-going at the moment with what exactly Dunsfold plans to do with her on arrival, so she’s not 100% safe yet as the deal hasn’t yet been finalised.
Keep up your great work and support for the group to give them the power to get this deal finalised.
More details to be announced later.
”Thank you for all your support everyone!
Keep spreading the message and #SaveLandor ✈” - Zulqarnain Butt (moderator for the campaign group)
(update & info sourced from the G-BNLY Preservation Group Facebook Page)
UPDATE 01/12/2020:
It's Official, Landor is definitely being preserved at Dunsfold Aerodrome along with her sisters G-CIVW in the current Chatham Dockyard Livery and G-BDXJ, one of BA's former B747-236B now used as a film set.
(Photos: BA Media Centre)
This means that BA has now saved a total of four of its 747-436s. All three of its retro-jets (BOAC "G-BYGC", Negus "G-CIVB" & Landor) and the one Chatham Dockyard scheme.
British Airways has published a press release containing the brilliant news that can be read here ... https://mediacentre.britishairways.com/news/01122020/british-airways-queens-of-the-skies-saved-for-future-generations
UPDATE 02/12/2020:
It has been announced that G-BNLY will fly to her new home at Dunsfold this Friday 4th December 2020, arriving at 1 pm (GMT). Due to wind conditions, it is believed that runway 25 will be used with an arrival from the east.
Due to current UK restrictions, Dunsfold Aerodrome will, unfortunately, be turning away visitors but you will be able to watch the flight arrive live on Speedbird TV subject to weather conditions.
(update & info sourced from the G-BNLY Preservation Group Facebook Page)
UPDATE 03/12/2020:
G-BNLY Ferry Flight Cancelled due to bad weather! :(
Aditional: In an update post on the G-BNLY Preservation Group it has been suggested that they will try again with a ferry flight this Saturday 5th December 2020, weather permitting, or as a final resort Sunday morning. Runway 25 is still being predicted for both Saturday or Sunday's arrival.
Again due to current UK restrictions, Dunsfold Aerodrome its self will be closed to the general public, but there will be plenty of places around the perimeter of the airfield to get a decent view of the arrival. And you will still be able to catch the arrival of Landor on Speedbird TV subject to weather conditions.
(update & info sourced from the G-BNLY Preservation Group Facebook Page)
UPDATE 04/12/2020:
CONFIRMED: G-BNLY Ferry Flight will be going ahead tomorrow!
The rescheduled ferry flight for Saturday 5th December 2020 has been confirmed.
G-BNLY will depart Cardiff Airport at 12:20 pm (GMT) as BA9154 and is scheduled to arrive at Dunsfold at 1 pm (GMT).
Again due to current UK restrictions, Dunsfold Aerodrome its self will be closed to the general public, but there will be plenty of places around the perimeter of the airfield to get a decent view of the arrival. And you will still be able to catch the arrival of Landor on Speedbird TV subject to weather conditions.
(update & info sourced from the G-BNLY Preservation Group Facebook Page)
UPDATE 05/12/2020:
G-BNLY Has Arrived at Dunsfold Aerodrome!
Landor has arrived safely at Dunsfold. After a slightly delayed departure, G-BNLY arrived at around 2:20 pm (GMT) on Runway 07. #SaveLandor #LandorSaved
Check out Dunsfold Park's Live stream of G-BNLY's arrival here and their arrival walk-around of G-BNLY bellow:
(Video: fb.com/dunsfoldparkofficial)